OurClub.tech is an international business club fostering a sense of belonging for those who coach, lead, or innovate. For OurClub, coach is a noun but also a verb. It is a process performed by coaches but also by teachers, managers, friends, parents and others. See the Our Club Experience video at the NEWS & MORE tab.
There will be a variety of in-person and virtual events including Collaborate Innovation meetings. In addition, members have access to three apps. OurClubKSAs, is an expandable repository of continuing education resources built specifically for members. Two other commercial products, PerfectCoaches and the personal finance app SmarterAllocations, are free to members. Non-members can purchase them at the JOIN NOW tab
It’s simple. You answer the first two questions in your self-awareness Snapshot. The third question lets you select a habit to learn then takes you to the conversation with your coach. On your Apple Watch the process is the same. See the Two Minute Tour video at the NEWS & MORE tab.
The Foundational Skills are Personal Excellence, Healthy Living, Customer Service, Leadership, and Smart Money. Each skill consists of distinct habit you Learn-by-Doing using PerfectCoaches. The video on the News and More tab explains the skills and habits.
OurClubKSAs.com is only available to OurClub.tech members. It is university-style learning center for coaches and others seeking in-depth, advanced information about the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) in PerfectCoaches.
Yes, you can access PerfectCoaches on any desktop, laptop or mobile device via a web browser (perfectcoaches.com).
Yes. Only your Facilitator Coach can see your journal entries.
You can make multiple entries in one day. AMI reads and responds to them all, 24×7. Your trained Facilitator Coach also has access to them and may join the conversation occasionally.
No. Your coach is using a Socratic method that asks questions designed to keep you mindful of the skills or ideas you are working on.
Yes, Talk about the habits you are learning, but you can also just discuss what is on your mind. Vent if you like. Putting thoughts into words can be helpful in its own right.
OurClub.tech and PerfectCoaches are subject to highly rated AWS (Amazon Web Services) security standard.
Yes, click the button with your initials on the upper corner of the screen. It will take you to customize the appearance of your coach avatar, notifications, provide access to help. and logout of the system.
SmarterAllocations.com is a one-of-a-kind financial coaching website incorporating concepts from the PerfectCoaches app. The coaching helps federal employees and military personnel make smarter allocations of their Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) investments. The site provides comprehensive tools, resources, and expert insights to forecast and optimize TSP performance. Users can access historical data, predictive models, and personalized advice to make better informed decisions about their retirement savings.
The PerfectCoaches app is a complete roadmap for behavioral change, designed for coaches and end-users alike. Members receive their own personal subscription and they can obtain subscriptions for their clients. Individual non-members can obtain their own subscription and have the option to work with a Certified FacilitatorCoach.
Using a patented process, PerfectCoaches is based on five fundamental Skills we refer to as “the Foundational Five.” Three of the Skills— Personal Excellence, Healthy Living, and Smart Money—are a foundation for personal development. Two Skills—Leadership and Sales and Customers Service—set a foundation for success in business. Go to the News&More tab and check out the videos The Foundation Five Skills for Success and A Two Minute Tour of PerfectCoaches for an overview of the process.
Each Skill consists of individual Habits. Each Habit is learned by doing it repetitively . AMI, the artificial intelligence presence in the app, asks questions designed to maintain mindfulness of the habit to be learned. Trained FacilitatorCoaches can provide additional support.
Go to the News&More tab and check out the video Everyone Needs a Coach to see all the benefits.
Joining OurClub.tech is both a business decision and a personal one. As a business decision, joining and becoming a certified Facilitator Coach entitled you to use the OurClub.tech brand and tools to build a coaching practice belonging to you. The personal development adventure comes from the sense of belonging. You now belong to a network of like-minded people who want to innovate, lead and coach—remember, for us coach is not only a noun but a verb, something you do. It’s the process where professional coaches, teachers, managers and others help people grow.
No matter what your goals may be, membership has many benefits including free use of the PerfectCoaches and SmarterAllocations end-user apps. Members also have exclusive access to OurClubKSAs.com, a curated repository of continuing education for the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) in PerfectCoaches. The club hosts virtual and in-person events with the opportunity to work with other members for Collaborative Innovation, supported by our proprietary Innovation Cookbook. This creative person-to-person interaction is a richer resource that any comparable business networking organization.
The optional FacilitatorCoach certification is unique (see the sample Certificate of Completion). Other coaching certifications as well as the comparable PMP (Project Management Professional) certification involve a lengthy and expensive study of general skills. Certified FacilitatorCoaches quickly learn to use the tools built into a scientifically designed, patented process. The tools include AMI (Adaptive Motivational Interaction), the AI presence built into the app, and the Coaching Console for tracking the progress of your clients. Through the Coaching Console, you and AMI work together to help clients learn the habits that achieve their goals.
Our certification fee comes with your membership, along with the training needed to qualify. If you are new to coaching, becoming a Certified FacilitatorCoach is a major learning experience. If you are a coach already, not only are you learning new and sophisticated tools, but the certification boosts your coaching business model.
There are financial rewards built into the business model for FacilitatorCoaches. If a client registers for PerfectCoaches using your Member’s Promotion code, each month your compensation is 40% of their monthly payment, paid to you on a quarterly basis. You are encouraged to provide additional coaching services for fees set and collected by you.
An individual receives an invitation to become a Leadership Member of OurClub by already demonstrated the ability to coach senior corporate executives and help them lead transformational change initiatives.
Participating in our leadership network can be compared to organizations like Vistage. However, there are two major difference. First, OurClub Leadership members have curated, pre-defined tools at their disposal, including the patented PerfectCoaches process and the AI presence, AMI, built into it. Second, they possess the expertise that comes with certification as a FacilitatorCoach.
Members who achieve leadership status Engage the Enterprise to support organizational transformation. Here, an entire organization becomes an OurClub member. Enterprise Memberships provide blocks of FacilitatorCoach seats and end-user seats to a university or business organization in a fixed-price, enterprise license model. The organization is transformed In a learn-by-doing model, where managers at various levels learn how to build the skills of their direct reports or the whole organization. License terms are negotiated by the Leadership Member who is compensated for obtaining the contract and, if they choose, managing it.